Sumerian Astrology

Sumerian Language Review 6 – Sumerian Pronouns

Unit Review #6

Sumerian Pronouns

True or False

Read the following sentences and determine whether they are ‘true’ or ‘false’.

  1. Independent personal pronoun forms for ‘us’ and ‘you (pl.)’ are unattested in Sumerian.
  2. Sumerian possessive pronouns commonly stand-alone in the sentence.
  3. Reflexive pronouns are created by suffixing the appropriate possessive suffix to ní(te) 𒉎(𒋼).
  4. 1st and 2nd person plural forms of ‘ourselves’ and ‘yourselves’ are well-attested in Sumerian.
  5. Sumerian interrogative pronouns can not take a case-marker.
  6. Interrogative pronouns can take a copula.
  7. Sumerian demonstrative pronouns can refer to personal or impersonal nouns.
  8. Demonstrative pronouns only refer to singular nouns.
  9. Independent demonstrative pronouns behave like nouns, and take a case marker.
  10. Enclitic demonstrative pronouns are never followed by a postposition.

Match the Pronoun to the Consonant

Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.

1. Match the consonant to the Pronoun


         a) I/my

         b) our

         c) you (sg.)/your (sg., pl.)

         d) he/she/his/her/their (pers.)

         e) it/its/their (impers.)








2. Match the following consonant to the person as they relate to Sumerian interrogative pronouns:


         a) 3rd person personal

         b) 3rd person impersonal




Multiple Choice

Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.

1. Sumerian independent personal pronouns were used:


         a) always

         b) often

         c) rarely

         d) never


2. Interrogative pronouns most often occur:


         a) before the noun

         b) in place of the noun

         c) after the noun

Answer the Question

Answer the following question:

  1. Why do Sumerian independent personal pronouns come in so many forms?


True or False

  1. TRUE—Independent personal pronoun forms for ‘us’ and ‘you (pl.)’ are unattested in Sumerian.
  2. FALSE—Sumerian possessive pronouns commonly stand-alone in the sentence.
    • Correct answer: Sumerian possessive pronouns suffix to the noun they modify.
  3. TRUE—Reflexive pronouns are created by suffixing the appropriate possessive suffix to ní(te) 𒉎(𒋼).
  4. FALSE—1st and 2nd person plural forms of ‘ourselves’ and ‘yourselves’ are well-attested in Sumerian.
    • Correct answer: 1st and 2nd person plural forms of ‘ourselves’ and ‘yourselves’ are unattested in Sumerian.
  5. FALSE—Sumerian interrogative pronouns can not take a case-marker.
    • Correct answer: Sumerian interrogative pronouns CAN take a case-marker.
  6. TRUE—Interrogative pronouns can take a copula.
  7. TRUE—Sumerian demonstrative pronouns can refer to personal or impersonal nouns.
  8. FALSE—Demonstrative pronouns only refer to singular nouns.
    • Correct Answer: Demonstrative pronouns only refer to singular OR plural nouns.
  9. TRUE—Independent demonstrative pronouns behave like nouns, and take a case marker.
  10. FALSE—Enclitic demonstrative pronouns are never followed by a postposition.
    • Correct Answer: Enclitic demonstrative pronouns may be followed a case-marker that belongs to the noun the demonstrative pronoun is suffixed to.

Match the Pronoun to the Consonant

1. Match the Consonant to the Pronoun:

         a) I/my—/ĝ/

         b) our—/m/

         c) you (sg.)/your (sg., pl.)—/z/

         d) he/she/his/her/their (pers.)—/n/

         e) it/its/their (impers.)—/b/


2. Match the following consonant to the person as they relate to Sumerian interrogative pronouns:

         a) 3rd person personal—/b/

         b) 3rd person impersonal—/n/

Multiple Choice

  1. Sumerian independent personal pronouns were used: c) rarely
  2. Interrogative pronouns most often occur: c) after the noun

Answer the Question

  1. Why do Sumerian independent personal pronouns come in so many forms?
    • Answer: Sumerian independent personal pronouns come in many forms because they represent spelling variations from different periods and regions.

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