Sumerian Astrology

Sumerian Language Review 7 – Adverbs and Numbers

Unit Review #7 Sumerian Adverbs & Numbers True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.Sumerian adverbs come in simple words and adverbial phrases.Many Sumerian adverbs are created with the impersonal pronominal element /m/.Sumerian adverbs are created using case-markers and strict grammatical rules.Because Sumerian adverbs often use case markers, it can be difficult to distinguish adverbial phrases from nouns.When reading compound numbers like 3(šár)@v 𒐥, it’s probably safe to put the largest multiplier first.When counting aloud (1, 2, 3, etc.), use dili 𒀸 instead of  aš 𒀸.Some quantities of specific items have their own...

Sumerian Language Review 6 – Sumerian Pronouns

Unit Review #6 Sumerian Pronouns True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.Independent personal pronoun forms for ‘us’ and ‘you (pl.)’ are unattested in Sumerian.Sumerian possessive pronouns commonly stand-alone in the sentence.Reflexive pronouns are created by suffixing the appropriate possessive suffix to ní(te) 𒉎(𒋼).1st and 2nd person plural forms of ‘ourselves’ and ‘yourselves’ are well-attested in Sumerian.Sumerian interrogative pronouns can not take a case-marker.Interrogative pronouns can take a copula.Sumerian demonstrative pronouns can refer to personal or impersonal nouns.Demonstrative pronouns only refer to singular nouns.Independent demonstrative pronouns behave like nouns, and take a case...

Sumerian Language Review 5 – Sumerian Verbs

Review #5 Sumerian Verbs True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.An intransitive sentence has a direct object.Sumerian verbs can be intransitive or intransitive depending on how they’re used in a sentence.Some Sumerian verbs have specific transitive and intransitive forms.Every Sumerian word has a unique cuneiform sign.To express ‘to be’ in Sumerian, you must use the enclitic copula. Multiple Choice Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.1. A perfective verb demonstrates an action that:         a) has been completed in the past         b) is expected to be completed in the future         c)...

Sumerian Language Review 4 – Cuneiform, Nouns, and Adjectives

Review #4 Cuneiform, Nouns, and Adjectives True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.Sumerian sentences are punctuated with slashes.The adjective always precedes the noun.Adjectives can be duplicated to indicate plurality or intensity.Adjectives can be made by suffixing the nominalizing suffix -a 𒀀 to a verb. Multiple Choice Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.1. Cuneiform began as simple pictographs drawn in clay using:         a) a bronze chisel         b) a pointed writing tool         c) a reed stylus 2. Which of the following does Cuneiform represent:         a) abstract concepts         b) phonetic elements         c) simple...

Sumerian Language Review 3 – Cases and Chains

Review #3 Sumerian Case and Chains True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.A grammatical case is a category which helps identify a word’s role in a sentence.There are 6 grammatical cases in Sumerian.Sumerian nouns are marked by case markers or postpositions.The normal order of Sumerian sentences is Subject-Verb-Object.Generally speaking, the agent causes the action, while the patient experiences the action.Most Sumerian sentences have two parts: a nominal chain, and a verbal chain.Sumerian verbs can stand alone in a sentence. Multiple Choice Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.1. Which of...

Sumerian Language Review 2 – Cuneiform Signs and Transliteration

Review #2 Cuneiform Signs and Transliteration True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.Diacritics are used to indicate the pronunciation of a cuneiform sign.A left-facing mark over a vowel indicates the second reading of a word-sign.Akkadian words are normally lowercase and italicized.When a Sumerian word-sign has an unknown value, it may be italicized.Hyphens are always added between a noun and adjective. Multiple Choice Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.1. The Sumerian language was written 𒅴𒂠, which is transliterated as:         a) eme-ĝir15          b) eme ḫuĝ          c) eme-šè  2. 𒅴𒂠 is...

Sumerian Language Review 1 – Sumerian Pronunciation

Review #1 Sumerian Pronunciation True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.No scholars believe Sumerian had an /o/ vowel.The Akkadians couldn’t differentiate between the /g/ and /k/ sounds.Syllable emphasis may have played a role in Sumerian pronunciation.In the most distant times, Sumerian words probably started with a consonant. Multiple Choice Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.1. Sumerian /a/ is pronounced like the:      a) /a/ in ‘at’      b) /a/ in ‘father’      c) /e/ in ‘grey’ 2. Sumerian /e/ is pronounced like the:      a) /e/ in ‘doer’      b) /e/ in ‘every’      c) /e/...