Sumerian Astrology

Sumerian Lesson 17: Sumerian Independent Personal Pronouns

Lesson 17 Sumerian Independent Personal Pronouns In this lesson, you’ll learn all about Sumerian independent personal pronouns. While it may seam like there’s a lot to cover, personal pronouns were rarely used, and when they were, they varied, which means there isn’t one settled-upon pronoun.I wanted to provide you with as many options as possible, as you will encounter these variations in Sumerian texts. However, I’ve provided a summary, as well as the oldest versions, which I use in my examples. Helpful Terms Here are some helpful terms you'll encounter in this lesson. You can see a full list in...

Sumerian Language Review 5 – Sumerian Verbs

Review #5 Sumerian Verbs True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.An intransitive sentence has a direct object.Sumerian verbs can be intransitive or intransitive depending on how they’re used in a sentence.Some Sumerian verbs have specific transitive and intransitive forms.Every Sumerian word has a unique cuneiform sign.To express ‘to be’ in Sumerian, you must use the enclitic copula. Multiple Choice Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.1. A perfective verb demonstrates an action that:         a) has been completed in the past         b) is expected to be completed in the future         c)...

Sumerian Lesson 16: The Sumerian Enclitic Copula “To Be”

Lesson 16 Sumerian Enclitic Copula "To Be" In this lesson, you’ll learn about the Sumerian enclitic copula ‘to be’, which will start you on the path of creating basic copular phrases! Need a Refresher on Sumerian Verbs? Review Lesson 14 - Sumerian Tгansitive and Intгansitive Verbs Review Lesson 15 - Sumerian Рerfective and Imрerfective Verbs Helpful Terms Here are some helpful terms you'll encounter in this lesson. You can see a full list in the Glossary of Terms.copula: a verb that connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement; often the word ‘was’, ‘is’, or ‘will be’.enclitic: a...

Sumerian Lesson 15: Perfective and Imperfective Verbs

Lesson 15 Sumerian Perfective and Imperfective Verbs In this lesson, you’ll learn about Sumerian perfective and imperfective verbs, also known as hamṭu and marû. While they sound difficult, they're actually quite easy, so let's jump in! Need a Refresher on Sumerian Verbs? Review Lesson 14 - Sumerian Tгansitive and Intгansitive Verbs Helpful Terms Here are some helpful terms you'll encounter in this lesson. You can see a full list in the Glossary of Terms.aspect: indicates the nature or quality of the action or state, as in ‘ongoing’, or ‘completed’.hamṭu (h.): an Akkadian term meaning ‘quick’, referring to the Sumerian perfective...

Path of the Moon Pt 2: The Pleiades

Path of the Moon - Part 2 MUL.MUL 𒀯𒀯 The Star Cluster The Pleiades In part 2 of this series, we'll deep-dive into the original meaning of the Pleiades in Mesopotamian astrology, and even take a look at some of the world myths surrounding the Star Cluster. If you're interested in this topic, I highly recommend my 15-hour Ancient Astrology Video Course, which goes into university-level depth on the origins and development of astrology.NOTE: Throughout this article, I’ll be relying heavily on two translations of the Epic of Erra, which are a part of two different compilations of Mesopotamian myth...

Sumerian Vocabulary Review 4 – Lessons 13- 15

Sumerian Vocabulary Review #4 From Lessons 13 -15 If you have trouble viewing any cuneiform signs, try switching browsers or devices. Match the cuneiform sign to the Sumerian word ab durun gaz naĝ tuš 𒂉 𒀊 𒂉𒂉 𒅘 𒄤  Match the Sumerian word to the definition ab  gibil  gu-za  hé  na8-na8  n., sea, opening, nook. part., ergative infix -b- ‘by it/them’ when preceded by /a/; indirect object infix -b- when preceded by /a/.n., throne, chair.part., modal prefix meaning ‘let him/her/it’ or ‘he/she/it will indeed’.v., to be fresh, new; to make new, renovate.v., to drink; to irrigate, water (m.) Match the Cuneiform Sign to the Definition 𒍗 𒂉 𒆗 𒋧 𒈜 n., anus, buttocks; dwelling. v., to sit (intrans.); be seated; set down; break wind; occupy, occupy, dwell.n., blood, gore; death. v., to block; die;...

Sumerian Lesson 14: Sumerian Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Lesson 14 Sumerian Transitive and Intransitive Verbs In this lesson, you’ll learn about Sumerian Intransitive and Transitive Verbs. Don’t worry—they’re easier than they sound! Helpful Terms Here are some helpful terms you'll encounter in this lesson. You can see a full list in the Glossary of Terms.intransitive (trans.): a verb that doesn’t require a direct object to complete its meaning.transitive (intrans.): a verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning. Vocabulary to Memorize I highly recommend memorizing these Sumerian words, as you’ll encounter them often in the upcoming lessons!dúr 𒂉 n., anus, buttocks; dwelling. v., to sit (intrans.);...

Sumerian Language Review 4 – Cuneiform, Nouns, and Adjectives

Review #4 Cuneiform, Nouns, and Adjectives True or False Read the following sentences and determine whether they are 'true' or 'false'.Sumerian sentences are punctuated with slashes.The adjective always precedes the noun.Adjectives can be duplicated to indicate plurality or intensity.Adjectives can be made by suffixing the nominalizing suffix -a 𒀀 to a verb. Multiple Choice Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.1. Cuneiform began as simple pictographs drawn in clay using:         a) a bronze chisel         b) a pointed writing tool         c) a reed stylus 2. Which of the following does Cuneiform represent:         a) abstract concepts         b) phonetic elements         c) simple...

Sumerian Lesson 13: Sumerian Adjectives

Lesson 13 Sumerian Adjectives In this lesson, you’ll learn about Sumerian adjectives, as well as reduplicating auslauts. Need a Refresher on Sumerian Words? Review Lesson 11 - How to Read CuneiformReview Lesson 12 - Sumerian Nouns Helpful Terms Here are some helpful terms you'll encounter in this lesson. You can see a full list in the Glossary of Terms.auslaut: the final consonant, sound, or syllable in a word, or syllable boundary.nominalizing suffix: a particle suffixed to a verb to create an adjective or noun.past participle: a verb which is modified to act as an adjective, as in ‘broken leg’. Vocabulary...

Sumerian Vocabulary Review 3 – Lessons 10 – 12

Sumerian Vocabulary Review #3 From Lessons 10 - 12 If you have trouble viewing any cuneiform signs, try switching browsers or devices. Match the cuneiform sign to the Sumerian word gaku6kurmulna𒆳𒄩𒈾𒀯𒂵 Match the Sumerian word to the definition edenìíbinnin., abuse, insult, offense. part., stand-alone agent prefix ‘he/she/it’ (pers.).n., butter, oil, fat, cream; oil container. part., stand-alone agentive prefix ‘I’; conjugational prefix (indicates distance from speaker).n., desert, plain, steppe, open country.n., hips; middle. v., to be angry; to curse. part., stand-alone agent prefix ‘he/she/it’ (impers.).part., locative infix indicating ‘where’. Match the Cuneiform Sign to the Definition 𒀀𒀀𒂼𒀲𒂍𒃲𒁾𒊬n., donkey, equid, pack animal.n., father.n.,...