Sumerian Astrology

Sumerian Vocabulary Review 4 – Lessons 13- 15

Sumerian Vocabulary Review #4

From Lessons 13 -15

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Match the cuneiform sign to the Sumerian word

  1. ab 
  2. durun 
  3. gaz 
  4. naĝ 
  5. tuš 
  • 𒂉 
  • 𒀊 
  • 𒂉𒂉 
  • 𒅘 
  • 𒄤 

Match the Sumerian word to the definition

  1. ab  
  2. gibil  
  3. gu-za  
  4. hé  
  5. na8-na8 
  • n., sea, opening, nook. part., ergative infix -b- ‘by it/them’ when preceded by /a/; indirect object infix -b- when preceded by /a/.
  • n., throne, chair.
  • part., modal prefix meaning ‘let him/her/it’ or ‘he/she/it will indeed’.
  • v., to be fresh, new; to make new, renovate.
  • v., to drink; to irrigate, water (m.)

Match the Cuneiform Sign to the Definition

  1. 𒍗 
  2. 𒂉 
  3. 𒆗 
  4. 𒋧 
  5. 𒈜
  • n., anus, buttocks; dwelling. v., to sit (intrans.); be seated; set down; break wind; occupy, occupy, dwell.
  • n., blood, gore; death. v., to block; die; be dead; kill. adj., dead.
  • n., garlic, onion. v., to give; lend.
  • n., leg.
  • v., to be strong, mighty, powerful; to strengthen, repair. adj., strong, swift.


Match the cuneiform sign to the Sumerian word

  1. ab 𒀊 
  2. durun 𒂉𒂉 
  3. gaz 𒄤 v
  4. naĝ 𒅘 
  5. tuš 𒂉 

Match the Sumerian word to the definition

  1. ab  n., sea, opening, nook. part., ergative infix -b- ‘by it/them’ when preceded by /a/; indirect object infix -b- when preceded by /a/.
  2. gibil  v., to be fresh, new; to make new, renovate.
  3. gu-za  n., throne, chair.
  4. hé  part., modal prefix meaning ‘let him/her/it’ or ‘he/she/it will indeed’.
  5. na8-na8  v., to drink; to irrigate, water (m.)

Match the Cuneiform Sign to the Definition

  1. 𒍗 n., blood, gore; death. v., to block; die; be dead; kill. adj., dead.
  2. 𒂉 n., anus, buttocks; dwelling. v., to sit (intrans.); be seated; set down; break wind; occupy, dwell.
  3. 𒆗 v., to be strong, mighty, powerful; to strengthen, repair. adj., strong, swift.
  4. 𒋧 n., garlic, onion. v., to give; lend.
  5. 𒈜 n., leg.

How Did You Do?

If you got more than 5 wrong, you may want to review the vocabulary from lessons 13-15.

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Lesson 19 – Demonstrative, Reflexive, and Interrogative Pronouns

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