Review #4
Cuneiform, Nouns, and Adjectives
True or False
Read the following sentences and determine whether they are ‘true’ or ‘false’.
- Sumerian sentences are punctuated with slashes.
- The adjective always precedes the noun.
- Adjectives can be duplicated to indicate plurality or intensity.
- Adjectives can be made by suffixing the nominalizing suffix -a ð’€€ to a verb.
Multiple Choice
Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.
1. Cuneiform began as simple pictographs drawn in clay using:
        a) a bronze chisel
        b) a pointed writing tool
        c) a reed stylus
2. Which of the following does Cuneiform represent:
        a) abstract concepts
        b) phonetic elements
        c) simple objects and concepts
        d) all of the above
        e) none of the above
3. Cuneiform was originally written:
        a) horizontally: top to bottom, left to right
        b) horizontally: top to bottom, right to left
        c) vertically: top to bottom, left to right
        d) vertically: top to bottom, right to left
4. The original vertical pictographic signs were turned:
        a) 60 degrees
        b) 90 degrees
        c) 180 degrees
5. A determinative indicates the words:
        a) classification
        b) grammatical case
        c) proper name
6. An auslaut is:
        a) the initial syllable or sound of a suffix
        b) the final syllable or sound of a word
        c) the reduplicated letter before the nominalizing suffix
One of these Doesn't Belong
Choose the options that DOES NOT apply.
1. Compound Sumerian nouns are commonly made from:
        a) adjectives
        b) nominalizing suffix
        c) nouns
        d) reduplication
        e) verbs
2. Plural nouns are commonly made from:
        a) reduplication of the noun
        b) reduplication of the adjective
        c) reduplication of the verb
        d) suffixing the plural marker (e)ne 𒂊𒉈
        e) suffixing the plural marker ḫi-a ð’„ð’€€
True or False
- FALSE—Sumerian sentences have no punctuation.
- FALSE—The noun almost always precedes the adjective.
- TRUE—Adjectives can be duplicated to indicate plurality or intensity.
- TRUE—Adjectives can be made by suffixing the nominalizing suffix -a 𒀀 to a verb.
Choose the Correct Answer
- Cuneiform began as simple pictographs drawn in clay using: b) a pointed writing tool
- Which of the following does Cuneiform represent: d) all of the above
- Cuneiform was originally written: b) horizontally: top to bottom, right to left
- The original vertical pictographic signs were turned: b) 90 degrees
- A determinative indicates the words: a) classification
- An auslaut is: b) the final syllable or sound of a word
One of these Doesn't Belong
- Compound Sumerian nouns are not commonly made from: b) nominalizing suffix
- Plural nouns are not made from: c) reduplication of the verb
How Did You Do?
If you got more than 4 wrong, you may want to go back and review lessons 11-13.