Sumerian Astrology

Free Meditation Support Group

Because Everything Is Better With Support!

Sundays via Zoom

11AM - 1PM EDT (GMT-4)

Join our FREE weekly Meditation Support Group, Sundays from 11AM to 1PM EDT, held via Zoom. Register once, and join whenever you want!
We discuss meditation techniques and experiences, and provide insight and emotional support in any areas of life our participants may need it.

Meditation Discussion Zoom Meeting Agreement

This Meditation Discussion Zoom Meeting Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the participants of the Zoom meeting (the “Participants”) for the purpose of discussing meditation techniques and experiences.

1. Meeting Purpose

The Participants agree that the primary purpose of the Zoom meeting is to engage in discussions related to meditation techniques and experiences. The meeting aims to create a supportive and respectful environment for sharing insights, tips, and personal experiences related to meditation.

2. Details of the Meditation Group

Free Meditation Group

The Zoom meeting is part of a free meditation group organized to help individuals incorporate meditation into their lives.

Meeting Schedule

  • Day/Frequency:  Sundays
  • Time:  11:00 AM – 13:00 PM EST (GMT -5)

Meeting Duration

  • The Zoom meeting will last for 60 minutes, with the possibility of extending if participants wish to continue informal discussions.

3. Prohibited Topics


Discussion of political matters is strictly prohibited during the meeting. Participants are expected to refrain from introducing, endorsing, or debating political ideologies, or promoting any political parties or candidates.

Religious and Ideological Conversions

Participants shall not attempt to convert or persuade others to adopt any religious or ideological beliefs. The meeting is intended to be inclusive and free from proselytization.

4. Code of Conduct

Respectful Communication

Participants agree to communicate respectfully, fostering an atmosphere of open dialogue and understanding. Disagreements are expected to be handled with courtesy and empathy.


Participants are encouraged to share their personal experiences with meditation outside of the group, but should respect the confidentiality of other meeting Participants. Personal information shared during the meeting, such as names, should not be disclosed outside the group without explicit consent of the individual parties.

5. Moderation


The meeting may have a designated facilitator responsible for guiding the discussion, ensuring adherence to the agreed-upon topics, and addressing any issues that may arise.

6. Meeting Policies

Non-Recording Policy

Meetings will not be recorded to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the Participants.

Data Privacy

Esh Nanna Inc (the Host) will collect email addresses for a Group Meeting List, which will be used to keep Participants informed of any changes to the meeting time, cancellations, changes to the Agreement, and NOT for promotions or anything not related to group meetings.

Host's Rights

Admission, rejection, expulsion, and prohibition of Participants without notice or explanation shall be at the sole discretion of the Host.

7. Responsibility Disclaimer

Host's Limited Role

Esh Nanna Inc, the Host, shall not be held responsible for any actions, statements, or opinions expressed by Participants during the meeting. The Host acts solely as the meeting facilitator and bears no responsibility for individual experiences or outcomes resulting from the discussions.

Not for Medical or Legal Advice

Esh Nanna Inc and its agents are not medical professionals or legal advisors. The information shared during the meeting is not intended as medical or legal advice. Participants are encouraged to seek professional advice for specific concerns.

8. Acknowledgement

By registering for in the Zoom meeting, each Participant acknowledges having read and understood the terms of this Agreement. Non-compliance with the terms may result in removal from the meeting.

9. Amendments

Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement must be agreed upon by the Participants and documented in writing.

10. Effective Date

This Agreement is effective as of the date of the Zoom meeting