Sumerian Astrology

Sumerian Lesson 16: The Sumerian Enclitic Copula “To Be”

Lesson 16

Sumerian Enclitic Copula "To Be"

In this lesson, you’ll learn about the Sumerian enclitic copula ‘to be’, which will start you on the path of creating basic copular phrases!

Helpful Terms

Here are some helpful terms you’ll encounter in this lesson. You can see a full list in the Glossary of Terms.

  • copula: a verb that connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement; often the word ‘was’, ‘is’, or ‘will be’.
  • enclitic: a word that only occurs in combination with the preceding word.
  • intransitive (trans.): a verb that doesn’t require a direct object to complete it’s meaning.
  • perfective (perf.): In Sumerian, an aspect indicating actions which have been completed, or are fully expected to be completed in the future.

Vocabulary to Memorize

I highly recommend memorizing these Sumerian words, as you’ll encounter them often in the upcoming lessons!

  • ĝál 𒉌𒅅 v., to exist; be (somewhere); to cause to be; to dwell.
  • me-en 𒈨𒂗 cop., I am, you are (sg.).
  • me-eš 𒈨𒂠 cop., they are (pl.).
  • nin9 𒎐 n., sister.
  • nu 𒉡 v., to not be. adv., no, not, without.

Vocabulary--Full List

Here are the vocabulary terms for this lesson. Be sure to look them over as they’re updated with additional meanings each lesson. You can see the full Sumerian Lexicon here.

  • àm 𒀀𒀭 cop., he/she/it is.
  • am6 𒀭 cop., he/she/it is (OS).
  • dumu 𒌉 n., child, son, daughter.
  • gal 𒃲 v., to be big, great, large, mighty. adj., big, great, large, mighty.
  • ĝál 𒉌𒅅 v., to exist; be (somewhere); to cause to be; to dwell.
  • ì 𒉌 n., butter, oil, fat, cream; oil container. part., stand-alone agentive prefix ‘I’; conjugational prefix (indicates distance from speaker).
  • lugal 𒈗 n., king; owner, master, lord.
  • me 𒈨 n., function, office, responsibility; divine power/decree. cop., I am (OS); you are (OS, NS); they are (NS). v., to say, tell. adv., where?
  • me-en 𒈨𒂗 cop., I am, you are (sg.).
  • me-en-dè-en 𒈨𒂗𒉈𒂗 cop., we are (pl.).
  • me-en-zé-en 𒈨𒂗𒍢𒂗 cop., you are (pl.).
  • me-eš 𒈨𒂠 cop., they are (pl.).
  • me-eš 𒈨𒌍 cop., they are (OB).
  • nin 𒎏 n., lady, mistress, owner, queen; lord (sometimes found in male names).
  • nin9 𒎐 n., sister.
  • nu 𒉡 v., to not be. adv., no, not, without.
  • šeš 𒋀 n., brother; colleague; assistant.
  • tur 𒌉 n., child; young; second [in rank]. v., to be/make small; to be insufficient; to reduce. adj., young, small, little.
Sumerian Enclitic Copula to be learn sumerian language online how to read cuneiform speak sumerian

The Verb ĜÁL 𒅅

There are two ways to express ‘to be’ in Sumerian. The first is with the verb ĝál 𒅅, which means to be present, or to exist, as in:

  • ì-ĝál 𒉌𒅅 there is
  • nu-ĝál 𒉡𒅅 there is not
    • nu 𒉡 creates negation

The Verb ĜÁL 𒅅

Another way to express ‘to be’ is with an enclitic copula, which can take a few different forms depending on how it’s used in a sentence:

  • Singular
  • 1st/2nd Person: me-en 𒈨𒂗 I am, you are
  • me 𒈨 in OS
  • 3rd Person: àm 𒀀𒀭 he/she/it is (pers./impers.)
  • am6 𒀭 in OS
  • Plural
  • 1st Person: me-en-dè-en 𒈨𒂗𒉈𒂗 we are
  • 2nd Person: me-en-zé-en 𒈨𒂗𒍢𒂗 you are
  • 3rd Person: me-éš 𒈨𒂠 they are (pers.)
  • me 𒈨 in NS
  • me-eš 𒈨𒌍 in OB

Enclitic Copula in Use

Using the Sumerian enclitic copula is as simple as suffixing it to the noun or adjective.

  • lugal-me-en 𒈗𒈨𒂗 I am/you are king.
  • nin-me 𒎏𒈨 I am/you are queen. (OS)
  • gal-àm 𒃲𒀀𒀭 He/she/it is big.
  • tur-am6 𒌉𒀭 He/she/it is small. (OS)
  • nin9-me-en-dè-en 𒎐𒈨𒂗𒉈𒂗 We are sisters.
  • šeš-me-en-zé-en 𒋀𒈨𒂗𒍢𒂗 You are brothers.
  • dumu-me-éš 𒌉𒈨𒂠 They (pers.) are children.
  • tur-tur-me 𒌉𒌉𒈨 They (pers.) are little ones. (NS)

A Few Things to Remember

When using the enclitic copula, remember that for the most part, the enclitic copula:

  • describes states (not actions)
  • links subjects to descriptions or states (nouns to adjectives)
  • is used in intransitive sentences (no action is passed from agent to patient)
  • is used in the past or present perfective aspect (was/is/are)
  • you’ll have to determine tense by the surrounding context

Your Sumerian Language Journey Continues!

In the next lesson, you’ll learn about independent personal pronouns, so be sure to subscribe to my substack to get all of my articles as soon as they post!

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